Friday, May 3, 2013

Journal Topic: May 3

You've written a lot this week; is there anything left for you to practice/improve over the weekend?  Do you need to practice more multiple choice?  Take inventory-- one last time-- and describe how you will address any areas where you feel less than 100% confident.

I am more than prepared for the essay portion of the AP exam. After writing everyday this week, I feel like the quality of my work is actually deteriorating and is why I haven't posted a few of the other essays. I am burnt out! I do feel like a bit of multiple choice work might be helpful, so this next week I will be reviewing past tests to pick up trends and strategies. I think I have gotten some helpful pointers in class from other students about what is missing in my essays, and I can make those adjustments accordingly to feel confident going into this exam.

In-Class Essay: Prewrite